Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Up! Nails :)

I am pretty sure everyone has seen or heard of the Disney Channel movie, Up! I personally love the movie! here are some shots from the movie that we will be using for this tutorial to help you also:


what you will need:

a bunch of colors (striper)

1. make polka dots all over your nails except for your ring finger.
2. do the grape symbol on that finger.

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Saturday, August 11, 2012

Pet Nails ♥

Do you have a Puppy or Kitty, or just have a love for animals? Well this is the nail art for you!

what you will need:

White (Or any color of your choice)
black (or also any color of your choice)

1. paint your nails white/ any color
2. make a big circle. kind of shape it a little at the bottom to make kind of a curve if nessisary to add shape and detail to your nail.
3. make 4 little dots not too far or too close around the paw.
4. add others if desired.

here is a picture you can go by. sometimes i need a picture to help me, so here you go!

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Thursday, August 9, 2012

I "Mustache" you to try this new nail art!

You will need:

Any polish of your choice
black nail art striper

1. take the polish of your choice and paint all of your nails. let them dry.
2. make 2 dots together. it should now look like a 8 on it side.
3. make little wings on the sides that curve on the end.

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Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Back to School Nail Art

I know that nobody wants to even think bout school yet, but just so you can get a head start, lets get started! 

You will need:
Pink (polish)
yellow (polish)
grey (polish or striper)
black (striper)
Tan or really any kind of tan or peachy color (striper)

1. Paint the top of your nail pink for the eraser
2. paint a silver smaller line of silver under it.
3. paint yellow in the middle of the nail
4. make the bottom the pencil with peach and a black tip.  
add lines of the darker shade of any part of the pencil for detail.

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Thursday, July 5, 2012

Katy Perry Premire Nail Art

The Katy perry movie premiere is today! Who is going? :) 

What you will need: 

white (polish) 
multiple colors (polish) 
petroleum jelly 

1. rub the petroleum jelly all around nail
2. paint nails white 
3. take your straw and dip into color, making sure there is a pretty good amount covering the bottom 
4. blow very quickly on nail. Do not inhale!
5. wipe off petroleum jelly and nail splatter on sides of nail. the petroleum jelly should of helped get off the access

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Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Contest and 4th of July Nail Art

Hey there! Contest (kinda) time! 

Since I haven't had a lot of followers in a while i have decided, if i get 10 followers before July 30th, i will do 20 tutorials for different designs in 1 day!!!!!!!!! i  know, its not much but the more followers i get, more extreme nail art comes along! i will do the nail art for songs, sports, TV shows, movies, you name it! Just remember, 10 followers by July 30th!!! Make sure to tell your friends!

4th of July nail art! 

you wil need: 

red (striper) 
white (polish and striper)
blue (polish) 
glitter (polish or striper) 

1. paint nail white. 
2. make a blue square on top left corner on toe. make sure it is pretty big, but doesn't touch the bottom of the toe.
3. paint horizontal red stripes on white.
4. add glitter to blue to make stars.

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Wednesday, June 27, 2012

New designs, LadyBug Nail Art

Hello there :) Well, I have been trying to get more nail art up on the blog, need some more ideas! haha. If anyone has any nail art thought or idea that you came up with or you saw and you need a tutorial for, just tell me! Maybe you saw a cute picture of some nail art you really wanted to try but didn't know how to do it, just tell me and i can go step by step of it in the easiest way possible! its that easy :) Obiously you guys came for some nail art, so hear is a fun and cute nail art for summer!

                         Ladybug nail ar
What you will need: 
Red (Polish) 
Black (Nail art striper OR polish) 
white (striper OR polish) 

1. Take your red  Polish and paint all over nails. 
2. Take your black striper OR polish and make little dots all over the nail. then make a half circle on the top. 
3. take your black and make a line down the nail 
4. take your white and make two little dots on the half circle for eyes 

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                                                 - Nail_Chic 

Monday, June 25, 2012

Alabama-houndstooth Auburn :) - tiger stripes

Alabama- Hounds tooth

You will need:
white (polish)
black (striper)
white (striper)

1. paint nail white 
2. paint 3 black stripes on nail. make more if needed. 
3. make 3 or more horizontal white stripes across the black ones to make little squares. 
4. make diagonal stripes connecting the top left side of the square and connect to the bottom right corner of the box above. 
5. make dashes like the ones you just did starting at the bottom right hand corner of the box. 

Auburn :) - tiger stripes

You Will Need:

orange (polish)

 navy blue (striper)

*if you dont know about some of the tools i use i have a post about that from a while back. 

1. paint nail orange 
2. take navy blue striper and make zebra like stripes but longer.

Remember, WAR EAGLE! 
                                                                - Nail_Chic 

Monday, June 18, 2012

New Look, New Nail Art!

Hello! As you can see, i renovated my blog! its new and improved, and hopefully will be a bit easier on everyone. I know you guys are needing a  new nail art design ASAP for summer, so let's begin!

Galaxy Nail Art

this nail art is very mysterious and lovely for anyone of any and  all nail types!

you will need:

black (polish)
white (polish)
yellow or orange (polish)
pink or salmon (polish)
dark or glittery blue

tip: when you dab with the sponge, they key is NOT alot of polish! otherwise it wil be very thick, and it will not look like the
1. Take your black polish and paint all of your nails. let it dry.
2. take your sponge and white and dab across the nail.
3. take a yellow or orange beside the white, kind of on the white.
4. take the pink or pink and do the same thing, but almost be on the orange.
5. do the same thing with your dark or glittery blue, but almost on the pink or salmon, kind of blending it in the black.
6. put glitter on the nails.


If I didnt explain it enough just write a comment in the box!

                                           I hope this tutorial helped! Tell your freinds! 


                   ♥ Jesus Loves You! ♥

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Baby Foot Nail Art

I have decided to make a tutorial on how to do baby foot nail art with a little heart! If i didnt explain it enough, just comment in the box below.

                             Thing you need:
  • Polish 
  • White (Striper) 
  •  Red or pink (striper) 
 take your polish and paint all of your nails. let them dry.
 take your white (striper) and make like a backwards c. then go down and make a round -
take your red or pink and make a v and then polka dots on the tips of the v to make a heart and blend it together.

Monday, April 2, 2012

the hunger games nail art: The girl on Fire


hello there, sorry i cannot post the mocking jay nail art..... i have been trying ways to explain how to do it, but all i can say about the mocking jay is you need a golden nail art striper and a black color, and go by a picture...thats what i did and it turned out pretty well. here is a picture you can follow by if you cant find a good one.

this is a picture from google of the mocking jay

girl on fire nail art:

what you will need:
black (polish)
orange or red or yellow or mixed (polish)

1. you need to paint all of your nails black EXCEPT for your ring finger
2. on your black nails you need to put alot of sparkles at the tip of your nail, then drag the glitter with the brush down so the sparkles fade where your cuticle is.
3. on your ring finger, just add a few coats of sparkle, and your done!
i dont have a picture.....

                                                  i hope this helped! tell your friends:)

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Unique Nail Art

  Cutie Patootie Cupcakes

    things you will need:
              pink or light purple (polish)
white (striper)
multicolors (stripers)
light brown (striper or polish)
another type of polish
red (striper)
  1. take your another type of polish and paint your whole nail. let it dry
  2. take your pink or light purple and make a cloud in the middle of your nail. let it dry
  3. at the bottom of your nail, make a box NOT overlapping the cloud
  4. take your multicolors stripers and nake little dots on the cloud.
now take your red and brown striper,and at the top of your cloud make a red dot and a brown line from the top of it making a cherry.

    this is a picture of cupcake nails

i hope this blog helped!!!
Tell your Friends!


Thursday, February 16, 2012

11:11 by: Austin Mahone Nail Art

If you haven't heard this song, you really need to! he is a GREAT singer! 

Things you will need: 

Black (striper) 
Light Glitter (polish and striper) 


1.Paint Nails red. let dry.
(tip: try to use a light red so the black will show up really good, but it doesn't matter because the glitter will keep it noticeable)
2.take your black striper and on your thumb, write a 1. then make another 1 on your pointer finger. 
3. make : on your middle finger, then make a 1 on your ring and pinkie finger. it should spell out: 11:11 
4: retrace beside the black. let it dry. add sparkles. 

Haters gonna Hate, Mahomies gonna love- Austin Mahone

Monday, January 30, 2012

Poll :)

Hey:) I have a quick poll for you to take so i can know what should be on my *NEW* page!

My new page should be about:

Song Nail Art
The song nail art would be music kind of "translated" into nail art, just like the one i did about saffe and sound by taylor swift and the civil wars.
The Polish Page would be about new and popular nail polishes. This one is only temporary, which will only satay on for about a month.
The quiz page will have alot of nail quizzes similar to the nail quiz i did earlier. (~Nail Quiz~)

if none of these sound interesting you can leave a comment saying what you would think a good page would be! remember, This only temporary, which will only satay on for about a month, unless it gets good reveiws.
Please Write which one you would think would be best and/or a suggestion!
                                             Thanks :)

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

~Nail Quiz~

what you will need:
peice of paper
writing utensil
your brain!!!

1. you would rather:
a. shop
b. play sports
c. be with friends

2. Your with your best friend and your schedules free! ya'll decide to:

a. shop!
b. go outside and get some exsersise
c. go see a movie

3. if you had to wear one item of make-up, you would so choose:
a. foundation
b. mascara
c. lipstick

4. your mad at a friend. now its time for:
b. wait for a while, she will be crawling back.
c. A nice apology

mostly a's: Sassy Red! your the shoopping expert, diva queen, and love the word ME!
mostly b's: your a cool blue :) you love the outdoors, have a good heart, and go for the all natural type.
mostly c's: your the friendliest yellow there is <3 your sweet, a good best friend, and definatly keep everyones trust at the palm of your hand.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Valentine Heart Nails

You will need:

White (polish)

pink (striper)

red (striper)

hot pink (striper)

light pink (striper)

purple (striper)

sparkly (striper)

gold (striper)

1. take your white polish and paint all of your nails. let it dry.

2. take all of your stripers and make hearts all over your thumb nails.

3. take one of your stripers you used and make 1 different shaped heart on the other nails. let it dry.


Friday, January 20, 2012

Safe and Sound By Taylor Swift and The Civil Wars Nail Art

You will need:
pale or pink (polish)
light sparkles (polish)
white nail art (striper)

1. take your pale or pink polish and apply. let it dry.
2. take your white nail striper and make a line from the bottom close to the top, then make a swirl on the end.
3. Apply light sparkles.
tip: if you want a more bolder look, take a sparkly or pink nail art striper and repeat step 2. this nail art is suppost to look light and pretty, not dark. So try to AVOID dark colors. :) 

found this on the internet. thought it looked cool!

Friday, January 13, 2012

Nail Art Tools

Here are a list of commonly used tools in nail art :

the classic brush- a normal nail polish brush

striper- a thin and long brush

dotting tool: used to make anything with dots

Clear coat- keeps your nail polish shiny and on longer

Valentine Hearts Nail Art

You Will Need:
a white(striper)
a red (striper)
a clear coat

1. take take the white striper and make a tip along the nail for every so finger (thunb, middle,and pinkie finger)
2. take the red striper and do the same as #1. (pointer and ring finger)
3. take the red striper and on the ones with the white tips make 3 dots on the outside of the french tips.
4 then, make a heart on the side inside the french tip.
5. do steps 3 and 4 on the rest of your nails.
6. add a base coat. let it dry.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Zebra Nails

things you will need:
a solid polish (white)
a striper (black)
Tips: a striper is a thin brush

1.paint your whole nail your solid color. let it dry.
2. take your striper and start close to the top. slide it almost to the end of the other side. repeat.

a picture of zebra nails

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Converse Nails

difficulty from 1 to 10: 5 (good)  

you willl need : 
 a solid color
 a white striper
 a black striper

Tips: if you don't know what a striper is, it is a thin tip that is much thinner and longer than a regular brush.

1. take the solid color and paint all of the nail. let it dry.
2. take the white striper and make a rounded half-circle at  the end of your nail. let it dry
3. take the white striper again and make the laces in the middle (like three criss-cross lines)
4. take the black striper, and on the rounded white part make a line close to the bottom.
                                    i hope these instructions helped you out!
                                                      thanks :)

 this is a pic of converse nails